Creators Community - Steph Hansen

Steph Hansen

Calgary, Alberta


A Note from STEPH

"Hi I’m Steph! I use the pronouns she/her.  I am many things, but primarily, I am a wife, a fur mom, a photographer and a born and raised Calgarian. I believe in kindness, equality and respect. I use my voice to advocate for mental health and the LGBTQ+ community.

My parents bought me my first camera when I was young, and from that point on I snapped all the photos! Fast forward many years, and something triggers me to buy my first DSLR Camera. I received some basic training from a friend and the rest? Thank you internet! Oh and all the animals at the zoo! They don’t care if the photo is blurry, so they were perfect subjects. Years later, with encouragement from family, friends and my wife, Steph Hansen Photography was created.

I have many memories of sitting with my grandma as she organized the family photo albums - today I cherish those so much. That’s what drives me to create a comfortable space for my families to be themselves and capture their moments so that one day, they can look back and cherish the moments."

~ Steph Hansen

PHOTOS BY @stephhansenphotography

Local Laundry Matte Black YYC Crewneck      Local Laundry Ryder's Crewneck   Local Laundry Ryder's CrewneckLocal Laundry x Calgary Flames Community Tee
Local Laundry CBC Holiday Crewneck                   


keep up with steph

Instagram: @stephhansenphotography
Facebook: @stephhansenphotography