Ryder’s Hoodie is very significant to this gal! I am a HUGE HOCKEY FAN!! Codette appeared on the TV SERIES “ HOCKEY WIVES” The endurance of being a Wife of an NHL GOALIE , plus a Mom of two beautiful boys, and Ryder needed and DESERVED some EXTRA love.
But to RIDER’S HOODIE , It is made of bamboo and it is so FLIPPING WARM and SOFT. it keeps it shape and warmth after years of “LAUNDRY”(😜) Believe me as I purchased RYDER’S SWEATSHIRT from our LOCAL LAUNDRY quite a few years ago ! The emblem of the puzzled heart always brings up the question “ What’s that all about?” I hope I have this correct but I always reply” it’s the symbols for Autism “ 💕 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LAUNDRY and SUPPORT RYDER !! Ryder is ALSO Local !☺️ BUY THE DAMN THING 🇨🇦