Pacekids Programs – Every Child Deserves to Thrive

Pacekids Programs – Every Child Deserves to Thrive

By Jennifer Lukiv - Coordinator, Marketing & Engagement at Pacekids 

Since 1994, Pacekids Programs has worked with Calgarian children and their families striving for excellence in the therapy, education and family empowerment of children with special needs. 

Pacekids works hard to create an inclusive environment that wraps a continuum of support around each child we serve. From educating and empowering caregivers to having one-on-one in-classroom assistance, or supporting families to as they work to secure equipment funding or begin the transition into the public education system, Pacekids is here to help.
The Pacekids team has the pleasure of watching children communicate with their parents for the first time, take their first few steps, successfully transition into the public education system and build friendships that once seemed out of reach. Reaching milestones they were told would never be possible. Pacekids changes lives.

Pacekids currently offers eight programs which are executed in-home, in-community and in-classroom settings. The programs at Pacekids focus on the collaboration of education and therapy, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language therapy and behavioural therapy. The programs and services provided at Pacekids are an essential part of the broader community; Pacekids is a place for children with special needs and their families to receive customized strategies, support and adaptive early childhood education to help with their growth, development and integration into the community.
At Pacekids, we know that every child deserves to thrive. That is why Pacekids is committed to offering an uncompromising level of service to each child and family that we serve. Each year, Pacekids must fundraise approximately $1,000 for every child we serve to ensure our families have access to the best programming, therapies and resources available.

Last week, we received an email from Co-Owner Connor Curran saying that Local Laundry had hosted an event collecting money at the door, and all voted on a local charity that would receive the donation. An attendee nominated Pacekids and it won the most votes! All together, they were able to raise $1,010 for Pacekids.

We are so thankful for businesses that give back to the community and we are so honoured that Pacekids was nominated and can assure that this donation will have an impact on some incredible children with special needs.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @pacekids to watch some of these incredible children thriving!