Dear YYC, You’re Awesome. Let’s Keep it Going in 2017.

Hello YYC, happy Monday! Another week another guest blog, this week from Christina from Studio C&G and Teatime Circus. Christina is here to talk about why her and her husband Gabe love Calgary and a little bit about their adventures. Please read and enjoy!

Dear Calgary,

You’re awesome.  Has anyone ever told you that?  

I mean, we all complain about you at some point or another.  Whether it’s about snowy days and arctic winds, or stop-and-go traffic and lack of public transportation, we all have our gripes about you.  When asked about things that you could be doing better, everyone seems to have an opinion.

But what about the things that make you awesome?  There doesn’t seem to be enough love to go around there, and I’m here to get you off on the right foot for 2017.  After all, if we don’t show the city we live in a little appreciation, we might never see all the good that there is around us.

I love that you buy local.  More than just a trending hashtag and a corporate buzzword, supporting local is something that you’ve always believed in.  Whether it was getting behind the hometown team, supporting surrounding farms, or sending love to local businesses, there are so many ways that we as a city get out and support each other.

I love that you eat local.  Food has a great power to bring a community together, and if there’s one thing that we’ve got, it’s a fantastic food scene that’s reflective of the diversity of the communities that make up our city.  Everything from decadent, stuffed burgers to fully-topped ramen can be had here, and it’s amazing to think that we’ve become so cultured.

I love that you live local.  That sounds like a really weird thing to say, but I love that we never pretend to be anyone else but ourselves.  Calgary has always been a big city with a small-town feel, and we always find a way to come together and support one another.  Whether it’s through raising funds in support of local charities, or spending time building community groups from the ground up, we believe in each other, and that everyone deserves support.

So yes, Calgary is awesome.  Please, don’t ever change.  Actually, scratch that.  Please, keep changing.  Keep growing, keep evolving.  Keep remembering that the pulse of the city is in its people, and keep raising a wonderful community that supports each other.

Love, Christina

Christina is the Co-Founder and Content Director of Studio C&G Inc., a Calgary creative agency focused on building experiences for users.  She also writes Teatime Circus, an editorial blog focused on happiness and finding contentment with what you have and where you are.  Follow Studio C&G Inc. on Instagram @StudioCandG.  For more of Christina’s adventures, follow her on Instagram @teatime_circus.



Back to Kathleen here! If you are someone you know would like to be a guest blogger on our blog drop us a line! Chat at chaaa next week Calgary - stay local! 

Haven’t had enough of me? Check out my personal blog, ‘That Awkward Dating Moment’, as I discuss tales and commentary of dating and lifestyle stories. Follow the link to have a look! 

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