Confidence & Dreaming Big
Heyheyhey Local Laundry fam! Thanks for tuning into the blog tonight. We have a sweet and inspiring blog from Chelsea, owner of Edmonton based makeup company, Allure Beauty. Chelsea talks with us tonight about why confidence is key, how to use it and the importance of dreaming BIG! Read and enjoy, make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom cuzzzz there's a little surprise waiting for you!
Hi there Local Laundry lovers!
Make up artist, lash tech and self love lover Chelsea here; I’m so honoured to be writing for you all to read! The industry of beauty is a great one to be in, I’m so lucky that Edmonton has provided a lovely home for my business and my career to flourish. Dream setting is crucial and our community here in YEG allows for us to dream, become confident, and succeed with those visions.

Confidence is key, a phrase commonly said amongst people. It may be overused or to some it may be under used but as cliché as it may sound, it’s so important. Having a small company in Edmonton has been such a blessing. The atmosphere is beyond supportive and as a young entrepreneur coming into the big industry, you could say my confidence was a bit low. I was young, pretty lost on how to start it all, but I had a dream and I knew I needed to find the confidence to conquer it.
Finding confidence in myself and my ability to start a business was honestly a bit tough, but what kept me going was knowing I love what I do, I’m good at what I do, and I have the craziest amount of support from my loved ones. So if I knew these things, it was time to boost up the confidence. Edmonton has a crazy amount of talent in this industry, some may look at it as competition or intimidating, but you can't; how are you supposed to be fully confident in who you are and what you do if you're constantly worrying about everything else.
Thankfully, Edmonton is such a supportive community it makes getting over that hump of worrying about what others think a lot easier. Finding that full amount of confidence will always be in my journey, although things that helped such as practicing what I do all the time, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and not worrying about the negativity definitely helped me get to the confident state I am at now with my business.

Dream big or don't dream at all am I right? Creating dreams and goals in whatever you do is extremely vital! When you set goals and reflect back to them, you are more likely to find success with them. Dreams also allow us to add excitement to our careers, they add that childhood innocence of allowing ourselves to not care about what others think and just go for what we love. Our community here, like I mentioned before, has an unreal amount of talent and kind souls; kind souls who help each other out and help us as individuals succeed with our dreams.
I'm beyond blessed and grateful to run my little business where I do. This industry in Edmonton has become my little family. I learn new things everyday, but I will never stop working on confidence and tackling my dreams.
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If you are someone you know would like to be a guest blogger on our blog drop us a line! Chat at chaaa next week Calgary - stay local!